
InBoard Training program

Murphy Hodge October and November Dayschool 2019

10/29 DF w/ Remy

Murphy was pretty distracted, but was able to focus enough to do hand touches and brief eye contact. For him being in a room with another dog it was progress, despite his distraction! -Sorrel

11/6 buddy walk

Murphy and i worked outside today with Zander and Remy and he did a nice job! We worked on heeling for treats then on Red light, green light for when he was puling towards smells! -Amanda

11/6 Place

Murphy did a great job with this! He was well focused, and progressed with the added challenge of not only being sent to place, but also settling! Well done!  Remy

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Joulz Spaduzzi October/November Dayschool 2019

10/30 get to know

Joulz did a great job in our get to know session working on not jumping! We also went over her harness and how to get it on! -Amanda

10/30 leash skills

Joulz and I worked on loose leash walking today and she did great! We started to add some auto-sits at the end! -Amanda

11/1 Leave It

Today Joulz worked on the foundations for leave-it using a milk bone. She progressed nicely through our session. Joulz also enjoyed some extra playtime with a new buddy, Spock the rough collie, as a reward for her hard work- look out for a short play video today! Nice to meet you, smart girl!- Kee

11/1 Place Intro

Joulz did a great job with this! She was well focused on me, and progressed with this skill. Definitely more practice to continue to strengthen this cue, but a solid foundation!  Remy

11/7 Focus with distractions outside

Joulz worked hard at giving me focus while being distracted by other dogs & people walking outside.  She needs a lot of this kind of work but she is very willing & responsive – Diana

11/7 Loose leash walking

Joulz is coming along with her loose leash walking! She requires a more fast pace to keep her engaged and switching to a different treat or other reinforcer (toy, etc.) is a good idea to keep her attention! – Whitney

11/8 Zen Bowl // Wait

Joulz worked today on the foundation for “wait”. Wait is a good cue to add to her repertoire as a “hold on for a little bit” behavior that can then be reinforced by being able to access what she wants (wait to get your food, wait to go run out the door, wait to come out of the car, etc.). It’s very handy! She did well today; she is definitely excited by food, but she made lots of progress! -Kee

11/8 Doors!

Joulz did a great job with this! She was well focused, and did a great job progressing with her skills. A bit more work with this, but overall a job well done!  Remy

11/14 Dog Focus

Today Joulz and I worked on dog focus inside. At first she was very excited, barking and lunging at the other dog, but eventually I was able to get her to start responding and focusing on me and she did stop barking. She needs more work with this but is definitely catching on! – Whitney

11/14 Focus outside on a Rally obedience course

Joulz worked through a rally obedience course we set up outside to test the dogs ability to keep the focus through a series of test sequences.  She did quite well with some sustained attention & then we did work around the area while other dogs were working so she had to deal with them in the distance & she did well.  Over time it gets better – Diana

11/15 Doors, Impulse control and focus

Joulz was feeling super-charged today and had a bit of trouble holding her focus, but she worked very hard! Continuing to practice with as many doors as possible will help “install” this pattern more solidly for her. -Kee

11/15 Polite Greetings // Focus Around People

Joulz did a great job with this! She was well focused, and progressed nicely throughout our session. A bit more work, but a job well done!  Remy

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Puppy Chanel Jackson 10/28 – 11/01

10/29 Place / Stay

Puppy practiced basics today for going to a mat using the cue “place!” and stay. We had some big noise distractions toward the end of our session but she did great with the foundations so we’ll continue practicing! We ended our session with some play time and grooming also. Nice job, Puppy!- Kee

10/29 outside focus

Puppy and I worked outside today on leash skills and focus and she did a great job! She needs a little more practice especially on grass but overall was great! -Amanda

10/30 no jump/ touch

Puppy and I worked on not jumping today and on polite greetings with a touch cue! She did great! -Amanda

10/31 Stay

Puppy and I continued to work on her stay in this session.  This is a tricky one for her, so we’ll keep practicing but she did a great job with the steps we made this session! –Jenny

10/31 Recalls out of Play

Puppy had a fun session with her buddy Louis, they got to play and run around but then responded to their names when I called them.  Puppy did great, she responded really well when I called her.  She is a cutie!!  Mandy

11/1 Basics // Spin!

Puppy reviewed her basics today while breaking up her session with a little play and also introducing a fun trick to “spin!”. This super smart girl is so eager to learn and making great progress! -Kee

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Mookie Burns – October/November Day School 2019

10/28 Focus

Very excited at first, but settled to work as soon as the clicker rewards began.  He is definitely a great little worker – Diana

10/28 Work for Play

Mookie did some work for play in our session and was a super boy! He had a little trouble with his stays – mostly when I would turn my back to him. We’ll keep working! –Jenny

11/1 Leash skills // Leave-It

Mookie reviewed his leash skills and also leave-it, let’s Go and focus today during a walk. We encountered quite a few dogs and people this morning so Mookie got some extra practice with impulse control for greetings! -Kee

11/1 Leave It

Mookie did a great job with this! We practiced some pretty difficult leave its, and Mookie took the challenge in stride!  Remy

11/5 Buddy Walk

Mookie did a great job with this! He was well focused, and did such a wonderful job walking beside Zander!  Remy

11/5 Cue consistency

Today Mookie worked on understanding the difference between Place and Crate; practicing this and similar scenarios will help Mookie with offering behaviors only as asked. He did super, so we added also a little touch and spin to his session. -Kee

11/8 No mugging!

Mookie worked today on impulse control around food. First we started with backing away from my hand, then with offering a “look” -breaking his focus on the treats in my hand- before he could have the treats. Nice job, Mookie. -Kee

11/8 Fun!

We practiced some fun agility equipment, but also worked on skills such as stay! Mookie did a great job, and was so well focused! Good boy!  Remy

11/12 Neutral Dog (No Video)

Mookie helped out today by being a neutral dog with both Rie and Louis! He loves to show off his training and focus skills! -Kee

11/12 Stay

This is a tough one for sweet Mookie! He is a “go-go-go” sorta guy, but progressed greatly even when facing added distraction. Well done, sweet fella!  Remy


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Marley Crowell – Oct 26-27 Overnight

10/26 Dog Focus with Shemar

MArley worked on his focus with another dog in this session. He was a pretty whiny boy at first, but we got some much better focus as we continued. Way to go Marley man! –Jenny


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Avett Maltrotti -Oct 26-27

10/26 No Pull

Avett worked on some no pulling on leash in this session.  He was a pretty sniffy boy so we built up some general focus outside first, rewarding him for things like eye contact and then worked on our walking.  If Avett pulled ahead, I would start walking around in a circle and reward him back at heel, continuing forward once he had a loose leash again.  A little dizzying of a training session, but it can be effective in teach the pups that pulling is not going to move you forward, it will move you around and back.  Avett improved a bit through the session, but we still had some bouts of pulling if we got too close to a sniffy distraction. –Jenny

10/26 No Pulling

We kept working on some no pulling!  Avett really worked hard – we’ll keep practicing! –Robin

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Baloo Kennedy 10/25-11/03

10/26 Dog Focus

Baloo worked on his focus around another dog outside. He did awesome! What a good boy! – Robin

10/26 Leash Skills and Balloon! (end of video malfunction)

Baloo and I worked on some leash skills in this session and checked out a scary object – a weird floating balloon from the puppy class earlier today.  Baloo did a nice job checking out the balloon and was very brave walking up to it a few times and not continuing to bark.  He did well with his activity to stay at the heel position when off leash, but after adding the leash and tossing some bones on the ground, that was tricky! We rebuilt focus with the bones on the ground and a high rate of reinforcement to get back to some nice loose leash walking.  We’ll keep practicing, but a good start! –Jenny

10/27 Focus Games Inside

Baloo and I worked on strengthening his focus this morning. He had a lot of energy so we started out with a game of fetch and then moved on to the focus games. He had a tendency to jump up and try to take the food out of my hand so we also worked on some impulse control. Aside from that his focus was good! – Robin

10/27 Life Skills Walk

Baloo worked on his leash manners and dog focus outside this afternoon. There were 4 other puppies outside waiting for class to start and they were a great distraction for him. When we were a ways away I could get his focus and we worked on his basics. When we got closer to the puppies and people he had a tendency to pull so we worked on his leash manners. There were a lot of challenging distractions and it’ll need some more practice but he did really well! – Robin

10/28 It’s Your Choice

I worked on an impulse control game called Its Your Choice with Baloo.  He got the idea & settled to work with quite a good result.  Needs more of this to help with his jumping but overall did well – Diana

10/28 Leash skills and Leave it

Baloo worked on his loose leash walking in this session and did a nice job, even with some puzzle toy distractions on the floor.  It was a little tricky with some pulling at first, but after working our focus and some leave-its he was a super star! –Jenny

10/29 Leash skills and Leave it, part two!

Baloo continued working on refocusing on me and walking on a loose leash, this time with an open food distraction (food in a bowl) outdoors. He did super! We used a front clip 3 in 1 harness as well for our session to help keep any pressure off his collar area. -Kee


10/29 look

Baloo did a great job today working on a look cue! We advanced pretty quick and hes ready for some distractions! -Amanda

10/30 no jump/ touch

Baloo did a great job today working on a touch cue to help with polite greetings and he did a great job! -Amanda

10/31 Life Skills Walk

Baloo and I took a walk around the business park and I was impressed with Baloo’s leash skills, he walked so nicely beside me.  He responded well to his name and we also worked on leave-it’s with the use of a milk-bone and impulse control in that Baloo had to sit and wait while I picked up the milk-bone.  Great job Baloo!!  Mandy

11/1 Leave-It challenge

Baloo did super today! We tested his leash skills and impulse control with a variety of tempting items indoors, then went for a walk. Good boy! -Kee

11/1 Polite Greetings

Baloo did a great job with this! He was well focused, and did a wonderful job progressing with this skill! Good job, sweet guy! Remy

11/2 Loose Leash Walking – Weaning Treats

Baloo worked on his focus outside and loose leash walking.  It was low enough distraction outside, that once he was focused, we worked on weaning and using fewer treats. Baloo did great!

11/2 Buddy Walk with Boone

Baloo went on a nice walk around the business complex with Boone the Lab puppy.  Both pups were very focused. Walking behind Boone was the trickiest for Baloo but he focused back nicely. –Jenny

11/2 Loose leash walking w/ distractions

Baloo and I worked on loose leash walking with food and toy distractions. We were able to get more focus and reduce treats by increasing his engagement with me, which we did through asking for hand touches and walking faster. He responds really well to verbal praise, as well. -Sorrel

11/2 Life skills walk
It was hard to get Baloo’s focus but he kept a loose leash the entire time, even when a squirrel ran in front of him. Smells seem to be the hardest distraction for him when on a walk. -Sorrel

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Brisket Drake 10/25 – 10/27

10/25 Choose To Heel

Brisket did a great job with this! He was a little bouncy at the beginning, but progressed with focus, and keeping all four paws on the floor!  Remy

10/26 Dog Focus

Brisket had 3 dogs outside with their handlers to distract him. He kept great focus and did awesome! – Robin

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Willow Capps 10/24 – 10/29

10/24 Buddy walk with Mobi

Willow was just lovely, focused when I asked her & very calm around a very bouncy Golden Girl.  Good job Willow – Diana

10/25 Buddy walk w/ Mobi part two!

Willow did really well! Would like more eye contact and duration in between treats. -Sorrel

10/25 Settle // Table manners

Willow worked on holding a settle with a mat today while the handler “had a snack”. This is good practice for table manners, and also part of the Canine Good Citizen Out on The Town! Settling around food is a very advanced skill, but Willow did very well today. -Kee

10/25 Settling with Cooper!

We practiced keeping a relaxed demeanor around another dog, Cooper! Willow settled nicely, and kept stellar focus! Due to the nature of this session, there is no video, but enjoy the picture below!  Remy


10/26 Place

Willow has a great automatic down on the mat. We worked on putting it on cue. Hopefully next time we can increase the distance of the cue. Good work! – Robin

10/26 Cafe Training // No Bark for Play

Willow worked on some Cafe Training in this session where she got rewarded for holding her place while I munched on some chips next to her. She did a nice job with this with pretty frequent rewards, so we switched gears to let her move around and played with the flirt pole. We used a training protocol called the Off Switch Game from a training protocol called Control Unleashed (by Leslie McDevitt) to work on no barking = toy moves and play continues. Willow started to get it but we still got some demand barking. –Jenny

10/27 Cafe Training

Willow worked on staying on the mat while I ate some food at a table next to her. She would pop up from the mat whenever she heard a bag crinkle or me shake the milkbone jar so we worked on staying down during those distractions. Good Work! – Robin

10/27 Go to Place

Willow worked on “go to place” cue in the kitchen this afternoon. It will need some more practice but it is improving! – Robin

10/28 Mat work

Willow worked on going to the mat to reinforce the focus for going to a specific place.  She still needs more work on this behavior but was offering downs & holding approx. 10ft distance at times – Diana

10/28 No Bark for Flirt Pole

Willow had a fun time with the flirt pole where she earned time chasing the toy by not barking or offering another polite behavior to resume play.  We had some barking but had some nice repetitions. –Jenny

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Hazel Kutner 10/24 – 10/27

10/25 Buddy walk with Boone

Hazel worked on leash skills and focus while out on a walk with Boone. She did very well today but could use a little practice with her focus -Kee

10/25 Loose Leash Walking

We practiced having Hazel choose to heel, and she did a great job! We were able to practice more challenging things such as auto-sits, and pacing. Well done!  Remy

10/26 Leash Manners and Leave It

We reviewed her leave-its and then practiced heeling past milkbones on the floor (applying leave-it). She did wonderful! – Robin

10/26 Loose Leash Walking Outside

Hazel and I worked outside on our focus and loose leash walking in this session, using a fake stuffed animal dog as our distraction.  Hazel wasn’t too sure what to make of this fake dog and was pretty interested in it, but we eventually built to a better level of focus and she did a great job of bringing her attention back to me! Way to go Hazel! –Jenny

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