
InBoard Training program

Whiskey Biller 9/25-9/26

9/26 recall out of play

Today Whiskey did a recall out of play or where we tossed a treat and asked for a recall. He did a very nice job today with this and was such a pleasure to see again 🙂 Liz

9/26 No Jump

Today Whiskey and I worked on his No Jump skill! He did a really awesome job with it, even when I picked up the leash a few times to test him. He jumped at first but was able to rein it in and restrain himself beautifully. He is such a good boy – I loved working with him today! – Cal

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Millie Steele September Dayschool Trial

9/25 Get to Know

Today I worked with Millie in the kennel and outdoor spaces to help her explore her surroundings and build confidence. With encouragement she was able to approach and follow me to accept treats and touch. – Hopler

Here’s a photo of her play session with Willow

9/25 Get to Know

Today Millie and I got to know each other a little bit inside the classroom. At first she was really struggling and not very confident at all. Within a few minutes, she really came out of her shell and even got a little pushy with me, which was good to see! She offered me several productive behaviors (down, sit, paw) but was still a little hesitant to let me touch her. In the future, I think she could use a little help with her leash manners. Nice to meet you Millie – hope to see you again soon! – Cal

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Brodi Rodriguez 9/24-9/26

9/25 Get to Know

Brodi is such a sweet puppy and we had so much fun together today. It’s clear that you’re working with him at home and doing a great job, so we’ll continue to strengthen those basics while he’s here and give you some tips and tricks on things like Leash Manners. – Hopler

9/26 Get to Know

Today Brodi and I got to know each other – what a wonderful little boy! He’s got a great foundation already! We touched a little bit on recalls, no-jump, and we even explored some new and interesting surfaces. Brodi has a tendency to jump up, so we can work on that more in the future. He could also use some help understanding how to walk well on a leash. He is a very responsive and motivated little sweetheart. I can’t wait to work with him in the future! – Cal

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Noodle McNamara September Day School 2021

9/24 No jump

Today Noodle worked on his no jump. this was challenging for him but he was able to work through it and show off some great impulse control by the end! -Anna

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Pepper Kolar (9/24/2021 – 9/26/2021)

9/24 Leash Manners / Lobby Focus

Pepper and I worked on her leash Manners and Focus in a high destruction area and she did a great job! She was able to ignore the people passing and stay focused on me. She was a little jumpy at first, but calmed down as the session continued. Overall, nice impulse control and Focus! – Nautica

9/24 Recalls with Poppy

Today Pepper worked on her recalls with poppy. She did a beautiful Job today and had some great recalls! -Anna

9/25 Leash Manners outside

Pepper is SO SWEET and made excellent progress walking by my side with and without the leash in a noisy outdoor environment. – Hopler

9/25 Recall & Name Recognition

Today Pepper and I worked on her recalls and on recognizing her name – this can be important if you’d like to recall Pepper but not Poppy, or vice versa. She did a really awesome job – she is such a sweetheart! Something that may improve the speed that she returns to you is to use a variety of rewards – hot dogs, tennis balls, praise, rotisserie chicken, etc. If she doesn’t know what prize awaits her, it can encourage dogs to run even faster to find out what might be there! – Cal

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Poppy Kolar (9/24/2021 – 9/26/2021)

9/24 Café

Poppy and I worked on settling in a cafĂ© style setting and she did a great job! She didn’t jump on the counter once we started the session. She popped out of her down a couple of times, but immediately offered downs right afterwards. We worked up to one 20 sec rate of reinforcement. Poppy showed great focus and impulse control! – Nautica

9/24 roop with Pepper

Today Poppy worked on her recalls with Pepper. It was challenging at first but she was able to work through it and do some great recalls by the end! -Anna

9/25 Leash Manners Outside

Poppy was so great at leash manners that we also worked on a few other things like Stay! – Hopler

Here’s a photo from their play session ❤

9/25 Recall & Name Recognition

Today Poppy and I worked on her name recognition and recalls. Name recognition can be important with two dogs so they can differentiate if you’re calling back one or the other or both – or even for other cues and commands in the home. Poppy did great today! We experimented with using a tennis ball reward for her, but I think she much preferred the hot dogs I had instead. She’s got a great reliable recall. Good job Poppy! – Cal

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Henry Masterson Boarding 9/24-9/27

9/24 Get to know

Today I did a get to know session to see his baseline. I worked mainly on his recalls with some collar grabs/desensitization. Henry did awesome! I played a little game of “go get it” where I threw a treat across the room and as soon as he got to it I recalled him back. He was solid on this. Henry also did great with the collar/harness work as that is very important for when they’re in an outside setting of leash. Henry could benefit from some counter surfing training but overall he was awesome 🙂 – Jenna

9/24 Get to Know

Henry was so fun to work with! We began the session with letting him get used to being in this environment and being near me, and he warmed up pretty quickly. Next, we started going through some of his cues to see what he was good at and we can use some practice. His leave it and wait cues are pretty great! I can’t wait to continue to work with him, welcome to Teamworks! – Nautica

9/25 Polite greeting, not jumping

Today I worked with Henry to try to determine possible causes of jumping up. He was absolutely marvelous and didn’t jump very much even when I ran around and acted ridiculous. If you discover a specific behavior that makes him jump, try breaking that into chunks and building up a little at a time with frequent rewards. – Hopler

9/25 Leash Manners & String Cheese Impulse Control

Today Henry and I worked on sharpening his leash manners skills and his impulse control skills while on leash. I tossed a stick of string cheese just out of reach to practice with – but this skill translates to other objects you may not want him interacting with (loose dogs, squirrels, roadkill, chicken bones, etc). He really struggled to rein it in at first, but was able to refocus on me and he learned the route to cheese was by sitting calmly and paying attention to what I was doing. He struggled a little with some frustration barks, but was able to overcome it. At the end, he got rewarded with the rest of the cheese. He’s such a big sweetheart! – Cal

9/26 No Jumping/Demand Barking

Today we did a combo session with Henry on not jumping and also learning to not demand bark when he is not getting any attention. We worked through his barking until he was calm and in a seated position. Then we rewarded him with lots of praise and petting for being a polite gentleman. Well done. Liz

9/26 Distraction Proofing & Polite Greetings

Today Henry and I paired up with Allison as our helper to sharpen his distraction proofing and polite greeting skills! Henry did really wonderfully with the lesson today, remaining calm and focused on me despite Allison being a big motivator for him. Really amazing job today Henry! – Cal

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Aleu Lobeto 9/22-9/27/2021

9/23 Lobby focus and leash manners

Today Aleu worked on her focus and leash manners in the lobby. Her focus was Lovely so we decided to start walking around the lobby and Aleu did get a bit excited and wanted to tug at the leash or get the zoomies sometimes but she was able to get refocused as we worked on her leash manners some more. -Anna

9/23 Place

Aleu and I continue to work on a place behavior with her, using one of our raised cots. She was a little bit hesitant at first when interacting with the cot, and seemed more inclined to jump over it than to get on it, but throughout the session she not only willingly put her feet – all four of them – up on the cot, but we were able to get her to link a down as well as staying on the bed. She’s beautiful and has tons of energy and I really enjoyed working with her. -Amy

9/24 Leash Manners / Leave It

Aleu and I worked on her leash Manners and leave it cues today and she did a really nice job! She was fixated and pulled towards the distractions at first, but she stayed calm throughout the entire session. By the end, she was able to walk through all the distractions, respond to her leave it, and offer some sits. Aleu is making excellent progress! – Nautica

9/24 Outside focus

Today Aleu worked on her focus outside. She was absolutely fantastic today during her session and showed off some great focus! Lovely job today Aleu! -Anna

9/25 Leash Manners outside

I am so sorry about this, but I made a mistake with the camera and missed recording the session. I did film a recap showing you the end result, which is that Aleu was able to walk politely with me staying in good position. She seems to respond very strongly to verbal cues, so a stern “aaah” sound when she bolted ahead (paired with a reward when she was by my side facing front) was more than enough to help her understand where to be. Keep up the good work! – Hopler

9/25 Recall

Today Aleu and I worked on sharpening up her recall skills! She was pretty zoomy this morning for our session, so I decided to use tennis balls as a recall reward at first. She was very happy to recall for a tennis ball and had really awesome zippy responses when I called her – awesome job Aleu! When she got a little tired, I switched to hot dogs which she didn’t find nearly as rewarding, but she still happily recalled several times before the end of the session. In the future, proofing her recall commands by occasionally mixing in a toy reward can really help speed them up overall. Good job today Aleu! – Cal

9/26 Leash Manners

Today we did a session on leash manners with Aleu. She is quite the bouncy girl but once i had some high value treats in my hand she was ready to work. We do need more work on impuse control and learning to walk next to us on a leash but today was a good start and intro . Liz

9/26 LM (Heel position)

Today Aleu and I worked on building a strong heel position while walking on a leash! We focused mostly on developing a good history of reinforcement in position. Aleu did a great job of finding the heel position – she definitely needs more work with this but we had a really great start today! – Cal

9/27 Café Outside

Aleu and I worked on settling in a cafĂ© style sitting outside and she did a nice job! She did pop up when people got out of the car, but it was easy to get her to go back into her down/sit. She didn’t demand bark, whine, or nip at my hands for attention. We worked up to a 20 sec rate of reinforcement. Overall, Aleu showed great focus and impulse control with all these distractions and is making great progress! – Nautica

9/27 Leash Manners

Today I worked outside with Aleu  on her leash manners focus, she did a very good job but was a little bit unfocused here and there. She definitely needs some more practice on her focus and her body positioning for leash manners but overall she improved throughout the session. We were being chased by a bug so I had to move the session from outside to inside and she handled that transition very well. ~Jacquie

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Boomer Keating 9/22-9/26/2021

9/23 Get to Know

Boomer and I spent some time today getting to know each other in the classroom. I mostly just worked on getting a little bit of focus from him, but the rest of it was just some confidence work because he seemed fairly anxious. I like to use play in those situations when a dog seems really anxious and that seems to work for him, as he was much more willing to take treats from me after we got a little bit of time to play and get to know each other. We can work on some leash manners and just some confidence building, but overall I was so excited to work with him and get to know Captain’s brother! – Amy

9/23 wait to recall with Captain

Today Boomer worked on his wait to recall with Captain. Having Captain around seemed to really help Boomer stay a little more relaxed and during his session he showed off how great his wait cue is. He was able to wait a bit longer than his younger brother during this session but overall buth boys did a lovely job! -Anna

9/24 Confidence / Focus

Boomer and I worked on his confidence and focus work today and he did a great job! He was a little hesitant when I first went to his kennel, but quickly warmed up once we got in the classroom. We worked on his look cue today and he made some nice progress. At first, I had to lure his looks. By the end, he was able to respond to the verbal cue after a few seconds. He could definitely use more focus practice with distractions but overall great job today! – Nautica

9/24 Recalls with Captain (no video)

Today The boys got to work on their recalls. I am so sorry but my camera had a malfunction and I lost the video for this session. Overall Boomer had some very nice recalls and was always quick to come running over! -Anna

9/25 Recalls with Captain

Boomer frequently wanted to come to me when I called Captain, but with encouragement from me was able to disengage and go to Lily. We worked on it throughout and by the end we were seeing a stronger recall just from Lily calling him instead of me sending him away. – Hopler

9/25 Confidence – Surfaces & Sounds

Today Boomer and I worked with some new surfaces – we worked with a few different wobble boards that moved and made noise when stepped on. He was very hesitant to interact with the wobble boards at first, but warmed up and was able to step on each of them a few times. Good job today Boomer! – Cal

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Captain Keating 9/22-9/26/2021

9/23 Wait to recall with Boomer

Today Captain and Boomer worked on their Wait to recall together. This is a great thing to practice with them together and captain did a fairly good job today staying consistent. He was able to wait 5-10 seconds today and this is something I would love to work with them again on tomorrow! -Anna

9/23 Leash Manners Outside

Captain and I went outside today to work on some focus on some leash manners. I noticed pretty early on that he was whimpering towards the door and seemed a little unfocused, so I initiated a little bit of play and that seems to calm him down. I would recommend using this tactic if you are finding yourself in similar situations in which his body language is expressing some nervousness and hesitation. He did take treats even in the midst of that, but took them much much better after he had calmed down. He is such a great dog and I love working with him! – Amy

9/24 Leash Manners / Lobby Focus

Captain and I worked on his leash Manners and Focus work in a high distraction area and he did a nice job! His leash manners were really nice and it was easy to keep him by my side. He did fixate on people and dogs passing, but I was able to lure a look. Captain could use more distraction Proofing with his focus, but overall great progress! – Nautica

9/24 Recalls with Boomer (no video)

Today The boys got to work on their recalls. I am so sorry but my camera had a malfunction and I lost the video for this session. Captain was a bit unfocused here and there but was able to work through it during his session and his recalls made some great improvements! -Anna

9/25 Recalls with Boomer

Captain did much better today and came consistently when called. He also completely ignored calls for Boomer, which shows he’s understanding the difference between their names. – Hopler

9/25 Heel w/ Obstacles

Today Captain really impressed me with his heeling skills! We did some heeling around, over, and across a variety of wobble boards, all without a leash. What a skilled boy! He does need a little help with leash biting – it didn’t happen frequently, but when he did bite the leash he really thoroughly enjoyed playing with it. Leash biting aside, Captain was truly marvelous today. Great job Captain! – Cal

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